  • Java
    • Throughout high school, I took all of the programming based classes I could. Most of the classes (shown in the School Experience section) were written in Java, leading to my highly proficient level of the language.
  • JavaScript
    • In addition to Java based classes, my high school offered a class that focused on JavaScript. Rather than learning JS directly, we used to implement their app lab to make interactive web interfaces (many examples seen to the right!). Though this was not a generic way of learning JavaScript I still grasped the basics of the language.
Personal Projects
* = Made on Code.Org App Lab
Job Experience
  • Placeholder
    • Placeholder.
  • Coming Soon...
    • 👀
School Experience
  • Programming Honors
    • This is the first introduction to programming course offered at my high school. The course used Java and introduced students to loops, conditionals, booleans, methods and more.
  • AP Computer Science Principles
    • CSP (for short) introduces students to front end development. This course was taught through Code.Org and the app lab that they offer. The course was written in JavaScript and introduced the basics of frontend development and a slight introduction to database management.
  • AP Computer Science A
    • CSA (for short) is the next step after Programming Honors (shown above). It uses more advanced topics like recursion, algorithms, and OOP.